Celkový počet zobrazení stránky

štvrtok 1. júna 2017

The golden hour Bike trip

Ahojte !

Posledný deň na západe. Teším sa domov. Teším sa na stretnutie s Pítrom, lebo pri ňom moja dobrodružná duša v znamení Strelca jasá. Nie som zástancom znamení. A tiež veľmi nesúhlasím s nemenovanou stránkou, kde ako najlepší darček pre Strelkyne odporúčajú kompas, termosku či  lístok na výstavu čínskych šperkov alebo dostíh...
Ale !
Dobrodružstvo to ja rada a nebol by to Peter, ak by ma o polnoci nevytiahol do lesa, veď je spln a spln je naša baterka, tak sa neboj. Veď dokonca je aj naše tiene vidno....
Svetlušky nášmu svetlu veľmi nepomáhajú, ale aspoň to má šmrnc.

Peťo adrenalín miluje a nezabúda do toho zapájať aj mňa a to napríklad tak, že najprv rozzúri psa, potom si on na celú ruku nasadí tú ochranu pred pohrýzaním, pes sa rozbehne a má pochopiť, že sa nemá zahryznúť do mňa, úbohej dievčiny v sukni a sandálkach, ale doňho.
Samozrejme, že vám predtým nepovie nič, iba:,, Tu sa na chvíľu postav"...

Keď sme sa teraz dohadovali, kam pôjdeme, z prvotného plánu ,,na čaj v prírode", vzniklo ,,bikom ku vode" a počas samotnej cesty, keď sme už vodu míňali a mne tu začalo niečo nehrať, sa len šibalsky usmial:,,Ešte tu kus vyššie".
 Z ,,kus vyššie" nakoniec vzniklo ,,dosť vysoko"  a z ,,dosť vysoko" vyústilo ,,do susednej dediny". 

Nezazlievam, že mi nechce vopred povedať plán, sem - tam je to lepšie. 
S tými psami teda nie, ale tentokrát mi to nevadilo :) 
Niekedy je proste lepšie nevidieť cieľ a viac si užívať cestu :) 
Nielen takú, ale asi aj tu životnú. 
Nezamerať sa iba na to, aby som už mal konečne titul, bol Ing. a popritom zabúdať žiť. 
O tom to predsa nie je.

Toľko mojej životnej múdrosti na dnes

Užívaj deň :)
A život 

Vaša A. ♥

 Hey everyone !

Last day in the west of Slovakia. I can´t wait to be at home. I can´t wait to see Peter, because my adventurous soul of Shooter is bright. I'm not a supporter of a horoscope sign.
 And I also disagree with the web page, where is written the best gift for Shooter like a compass, a thermos or a ticket to the exhibition of Chinese jewelery or to the horse racing ...
But !
 I like adventures and Peter likes take me to the forest at midnight, because is full moon and full moon is our light battery.  And we can see our shadows, so everything is perfect.
Fireflies doesn´t help with light, but it looks cool

Peter love adrenaline and he never forget to engage me too, like f.e- one time he was with dogs, cause he trains dogs to competitions, so he took me for to see how it looks when he is trainer. He put ,,pillow" on his hand, I was without it, and a dog was angry and this dog had only one job: Run, catch and burst into his hand. Not mine. So I was standing near Peter, Peter had pillow, me no, but we just  tried if this dog is inteligente.
Of course, Peter didn´t tell me nothing before, just: ,,Stay here for a moment.."

When we were spaeking what is our plan for next days, from the first "a tea in nature" plan, became "with bike to  lake" and during that way, when I was on bike and I saw that I am near this lake, later that lake is behind us, I looked at him and he smiled:,,I want go a little bit further than is a lake".
From  "a little bit further" eventually formed "a lot further" and  from "a lot further" became " to neighboring village".

But I am Ok with this, that he didn´t tell me his plan before, cause sometimes is better.
With this dog obviously no, but in that time with bike it was good  :)
Sometimes it's just better not to see the goal of way and enjoy the way :)
Not only trips but also life.
 Just don´t focus to have a title,  to be Ing or Mgr... And forgot to live.
This is not a punchline of the life.

So this is my life wisdom for today

Have a nice day :)
And life

Your A. ♥

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