Ahojte !
No keď už su teda sama v Orihuele a nemám čo na práci, vyberiem sa do Alicante. Deň predtým si pozriem spoje, rozhodnem sa pre vlak ( v podstate to je jedno, ale z Orihuely sa vlakom oplatí ísť do Alicante a Murcii. Tieto dve smery. Inde je lepší a niekedy aj nevyhnutný autobus). Taktiež som si pozrela cez TripAdvisor najobľúbenejšie miesta s pravdivými fotkami a bolo rozhodnuté. Do vlaku som si vzala knižku a hodinka zbehla ani neviem ako. Trocha som mala stres, lebo pri predposlednej zastávke vlak zmenil smer trasy a išli sme tou istou cestou, ale pozrela som opäť so mapy cesty vlaku a podľa všetkého som išla dobre, tak som sedela a dúfala na zahlásenie: ,,Alicante."
Zahlásili. Vystupujem. Nerútim sa hneď bezhlavo do mesta. Je ráno. Mám čas. Idem do obchodu a kúpim magnetky všetkým najbližším. Lacné a nie obyčajné. Kvitujem. A až potom vyberám mobil, zapínam navigáciu a idem. Našla som všetky veci tak nejak spontááne, všetko bolo viac - menej pri sebe, takže som niekedy ani nečakala, proste išla rovno a pozerám, že Ok, ani hľadať netrebalo. A tak nejak som našla všetko a potom na 2 hoďky išla ku moru čítať knihu. Viem, že ľudia chodia ku moru sa kúpať, ale ja keď som bola po kolená vo vode a uvidela niečo ako medúzu, rýchlym krokom som sa vracala na breh. Asi to bol len použitý kondóm.
Cestou naspäť som išla bez navigácie, za čo som na seba naozaj pyšná :D
Rozlohou je Alicante o kúsok menšie než Košice, obyvateľ ov má zas o niečo viac.
Tu je prvá časť fotiek :)
Držte sa!
Vaša A.
Hi friends !
So. I am alone in Orihuela and I don´t have work now so the plan is clear: Alicante.
I checked train and bus from Orihuela to Alicante and I chose by the train. If you want go to Alicante or Murcia, is better to go by the train. On the other places is sometimes better and sometimes necessary go by the bus, but to Alicante is better by the train, so I checked times and prepared for my small trip. I checked also TripAdvisor and there you can find the best places in all cities and photos are real, so I wrote to my mind where I want go.
I took a book and this way to Alicante was for me not like 1 hour, but 15 min.
On the penultimate station the train changed way, so I was not sure If am going good, but I looked on my mobil to map of way of trains and Yes. Everything ok. I was just waiting for listening: ,,Alicante."
I checked train and bus from Orihuela to Alicante and I chose by the train. If you want go to Alicante or Murcia, is better to go by the train. On the other places is sometimes better and sometimes necessary go by the bus, but to Alicante is better by the train, so I checked times and prepared for my small trip. I checked also TripAdvisor and there you can find the best places in all cities and photos are real, so I wrote to my mind where I want go.
I took a book and this way to Alicante was for me not like 1 hour, but 15 min.
On the penultimate station the train changed way, so I was not sure If am going good, but I looked on my mobil to map of way of trains and Yes. Everything ok. I was just waiting for listening: ,,Alicante."
They did it. Good. I am on good place. Perfecto. I wanted use a navigation, but everything was so near and I found it without everything. Just I was going and then:,,A, Look, what is here, Andrea. Perfecto." When I saw everything I went to the beach to reading book. I know that normal people usually go to the beach to go to the sea, but when I had my foot in the water I saw something like a meduza, so I went again to lie on the sand.
I think it was only a condom.
I think it was only a condom.
When I went back to the train station I didn´t use a navigation, I am so proud of myself. Maybe you don´t understand me, but I am so bad in orientation. Really bad.
Here you can see the first serie of photos of Alicante.
Kisses and hugs !
Your A.
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