Ahojte !
Rozhodnúť sa ísť na výlet do Belgicka s Ním, bolo jedno z mojich mála dobrých rozhodnutí. Bola som na ten výlet pozvaná španielmi, takže moja úloha spočívala iba v kývaní hlavy a odsúhlasovaní návrhov. Väčšinu, takých 98,4 %, bolo pre mňa ťažké porozumieť, keďže sa bavili o všetkom v španielčine. Áno, Juan sa mi to snažil vždy všetko prekladať, ak aj zabudol, ja som na to nezabudla, takže mi ho bolo miestami až ľúto. Ale aj takéto bývajú international trips. Ale má to svoju výhodu. Môžete volať s kýmkoľvek o čomkoľvek bez zlého pocitu a bez toho, aby vás trhalo odísť do inej miestnosti. Aj napriek výhodám či nevýhodám, sú international tripy proste sranda
O vzťahoch platí to isté. Nikdy nekončiace debaty, pri ktorých sa niekedy neviete prestať čudovať, že čo to za zvyky majú tí druhí zaužívané.
Raz počas Veľkej Noci prišiel ku mne Juan:,,Prečo sa má jedna slovenka spýtala, či už mám na pondelok pripravenú vodu? Lebo keď som na ňu pozrel nechápavým pohľadom, nechcela pokračovať, že ak t neviem, tak mi to nepovie, tak čakám od teba teraz vysvetlenie." :D
Po prezretí niekoľko videí, kde chlapi držia ženu a lejú na ňu ľadovú vodu a v pozadí je sneh, Juan a jeho pohľad hovorili za všetko. Vraví mi:,,Pobre girl". Hej no, preňho chudák dievča, pre nás akýsi normálny zvyk. Keď potom videl pokračovanie videa s korbáčom, nahodil fakt smutný pohľad:,,Why they did this?" Vravím mu:,,Nestresuj. Nebolí." A keď som mu povedala, že oni ešte za to majú aj peniaze a nejakú to dobrotu, to už sa mi fakt nedalo vyvrátiť, že je to normálny zvyk.
Mne zas veľa vecí prišlo zvláštnych o Španielsku. Nejaké som, samozrejme, vedela už skôr, keďže naša mladá španielčinárka na strednej škole nám s radosťou vždy povedala nejakú pikošku. O tom, že Španieli sa radi zabávajú, som vedela aj predtým, teraz to mám aj potvrdené. O tom, že veľa žien má pre nich slabosť, som tiež vedela a tiež to mám potvrdené. To, že majú radi tatranský čaj nevedeli ani oni sami, teraz to už vedia. To, že budú niekdy piť vodku bez ľadu si tiež nikdy nemysleli, no Slovensko ich to naučilo.. Slovensko ich naučilo veľa vecí
a som na nich hrdá.
9 mesiacov jesť rezeň s ryžou, to je
hrdinstvo. Niežeby chceli, ale nemali veľmi na výber. Keď Juan poslal fotku
kamošovi s rezňom a ryžou s popisom:,, Príď do jedálne“, netreba sa čudovať
odpovedi:,,Ty jedlo meníš tak často ako (dosaď si meno) slipy. Ale zvyknúť sa dá
na hocičo.
niekto sa vôbec neučil španielčinu a ani nemá k Španielsku blízko, ja
vám to môžem priblížiť. Španielsko je asi jediné, kde sa aj pred vetou píše otáznik
a výkričník, avšak dole hlavou. Tiež je jediné, kde si žena po svadbe
nemení meno a deti majú v mene matkino aj otcovo priezvisko, vždy má
však väčšiu váhu to stredné meno, teda otcove. Pre nás Slovákov bude ťažšie
pochopiteľný ich školský systém. Základná škola je od 6-10r, stredná škola
II.st od 10-16 a stredná škola III.st od 16-18, kde študent už ako 18ročný
dostáva titul Bachillerato. Čo je výhoda, nevýhoda však je, že si za vysokú
školu musíš každý rok nemalé peniaze. Preto v Španielsku nenájdeš veľa
ľudí s titulmi a sú prekvapení, že tu na SK má titul takmer každý.
takého international vzťahu je, že môžete povedať hocičo vo svojom jazyku na toho druhého a nikdy
sa nemusí dozvedieť pravdu. Niežeby som to robila, ale ponaťahovať ho je
niekedy sranda. Keď mu poviete:,,Vyser si oko“ a on tak hrdo po slovensky
a s úsmevom povie: ,,Dobre“, ťažko je to potom zadržať smiech. Ťažko
je ešte urobiť jednu vec a toť vysvetliť mu význam slova ,,šak“. Ja ako
východňarka to využívam takmer stále: šak hej, šak ne, šak nerob, šak
prestaň...A potom si tak vlastne uvedomíš, že ty ho vlastne učíš východňarsky,
nie clear slovensky, ale je ti to jedno, lebo komunikovať bude s tebou :) Tak som šťastná,
že je šťastný, lebo vidí, že som šťastná.
Minule mi vravel príhodu ako vrátnička na ich intráku
sa nahnevaným hlasom a po anglicky spýtala jedného z jeho kamošov:,,What
are you doing?!“ a Juan zozadu po slovensky: ,,Nič!" On proste vždy vie ako
tých pár slovenských slovíčok využiť, som naňho právom hrdá.
aj zopár takých, ktoré nemá odo mňa a potom sa len čudujem, kto ho to
učil, ako napríklad keď som mu počas dňa napísala:,, Hola, ako sa máš?“ a o
sekundu na to prišla odpoveď:,,Popi*i."
. Múdro, múdro, rýchlo sa mi chlapec učí,
šikovný je.
to využiť naozaj v správnych situáciách ako keď jedna jeho španielska
kamoška na intráku sa s úsmevom pýta pani vrátničky: ,,Ahoj, ako sa máš?“
A Juan opäť zozadu za ňu odpovie, to, čo odpovie a potom, že od
vrátničky dostane po hlave.
ale nič to, šikovný je, vynaliezavý tiež, veď povedzme si pravdu – prv, keď
prídeš do nejakej krajiny, sa nebudeš učiť ako sa povie Motýľ, začneš zhurta.
o mojom a mojich
sa držte
A. ♥
Hello everyone !
Deciding to go on a trip to Belgium with him was one of my a few good decisions. I was invited to the trip by the spanish people, so I had during the trip only one work: swinging with my head and agreeing with the suggestions. The majority, maybe 98.4%, was hard to understand for me because they were talking about everything only in spanish. Yes, Juan always tried to translate to me everything, but sometimes for not so mch time it was hard. But nevermind, for me are international trips the best.
Relationships are the same. Neverending debates where you sometimes can´t believe what the habits of the other are used to.
Juan during the Easter asked me:,,One slovak girl asked me if my water for Monday is prepared. Why?"
I showed to him a few videos where the guys hold to girl and throw ice-water on her and the snow was in the background. Juan and his eyes were speaking about everything. He told me: ,,Pobre girl." Yes, a poor girl, a normal habit for us. And when I told him that the boys get money for that, I couldn´t refute that it is a normal habit.
On the other side, it´s a lot of strange habits in Spain for me . A few of them, of course, I knew before, cause I studied spanish language and professors told it to us .
I knew that people from Spain love enjoy the life,but here I saw it and I agree with this . I also knew that many slovak women have weakness for them, and I saw it here and I agree with this also.
They didn´t know that they like Tatra tea, but they know it now. They never thought that they will drink vodka without ice, but Slovakia taught it to them. Slovakia taught them many things and I am so proud of them.
Eat meat with rice 9 moths, it's heroism.
When Juan sent a photo of a meat with rice to his friend with comment: "Come to the cantin," you shouldn´t be surprise of answer:,,You eat this as often as (get your name) changes boxer shorts. But you can to get used for everything.
If somebody doesn´t know absolutely nothing about Spain, I can get it close to you.
Probably only in Spain people put question mark and an exclamation point before the sentence, but down the head. Only in Spain woman doesn´t change the name after the wedding, and the children will get the father's and mother´s surname, but it is always more important the middle name.
For us, like a Slovak people, will be harder to understand their school´s system. The primary school is from 6 to 10 years old, secondary school II.is from 10-16 and high school III.is from 16-18, where the18 years old students gets the title Bachillerato. This is the advantage, but the disadvantage is that you have to pay a lot of money every year to University. That´s the reason why in Spain ypu will not find many people with the titles and they are surprised that in Slovakia has title almost everybody.
The advantage of an international relationship is that you can say whatever in your language to your partner and he maybe will never know the truth. I don´t do it, but it's fun sometimes don´t telll him the truth the first 5 minutes :D. What is not funny but hard, it´s trying to explain to him the meaning of the word "šak(shak)".
I have used it almost everywhere:,,šak yes, šak no, šak stop it, šak don´t do this ... it´s not clear slova language, but he should know slovak dialect too, cause his girl lives in the part of Slovakia where this dialect is normal :D
He told me story how janitress of their dormitory was angry and asked in english to one spanish girl: "What are you doing ?!" and Juan near of them in slovak: "Nothing!" He knows a few Slovak words and he knows absolutely perfect how and when to use it, I am proud of him.
He knows a few words which I didn´t teach him, the world taught him, like when I wrote him during the day, "Hola, how are you?" And answer was: "Popiči. " It´s really hard word, but nevermind for him :D
This boy learns quickly, he is smart.
Well, he is really inteligent, inventive also, let's say the truth - when you come to new country, the fisrt word which you want learn is not how to say Butterfly...
So this is about me, my international trip & love
Hope you like it
Have a nice day!
Your A. ♥
Hello everyone !
Deciding to go on a trip to Belgium with him was one of my a few good decisions. I was invited to the trip by the spanish people, so I had during the trip only one work: swinging with my head and agreeing with the suggestions. The majority, maybe 98.4%, was hard to understand for me because they were talking about everything only in spanish. Yes, Juan always tried to translate to me everything, but sometimes for not so mch time it was hard. But nevermind, for me are international trips the best.
Relationships are the same. Neverending debates where you sometimes can´t believe what the habits of the other are used to.
Juan during the Easter asked me:,,One slovak girl asked me if my water for Monday is prepared. Why?"
I showed to him a few videos where the guys hold to girl and throw ice-water on her and the snow was in the background. Juan and his eyes were speaking about everything. He told me: ,,Pobre girl." Yes, a poor girl, a normal habit for us. And when I told him that the boys get money for that, I couldn´t refute that it is a normal habit.
On the other side, it´s a lot of strange habits in Spain for me . A few of them, of course, I knew before, cause I studied spanish language and professors told it to us .
I knew that people from Spain love enjoy the life,but here I saw it and I agree with this . I also knew that many slovak women have weakness for them, and I saw it here and I agree with this also.
They didn´t know that they like Tatra tea, but they know it now. They never thought that they will drink vodka without ice, but Slovakia taught it to them. Slovakia taught them many things and I am so proud of them.
Eat meat with rice 9 moths, it's heroism.
When Juan sent a photo of a meat with rice to his friend with comment: "Come to the cantin," you shouldn´t be surprise of answer:,,You eat this as often as (get your name) changes boxer shorts. But you can to get used for everything.
If somebody doesn´t know absolutely nothing about Spain, I can get it close to you.
Probably only in Spain people put question mark and an exclamation point before the sentence, but down the head. Only in Spain woman doesn´t change the name after the wedding, and the children will get the father's and mother´s surname, but it is always more important the middle name.
For us, like a Slovak people, will be harder to understand their school´s system. The primary school is from 6 to 10 years old, secondary school II.is from 10-16 and high school III.is from 16-18, where the18 years old students gets the title Bachillerato. This is the advantage, but the disadvantage is that you have to pay a lot of money every year to University. That´s the reason why in Spain ypu will not find many people with the titles and they are surprised that in Slovakia has title almost everybody.
The advantage of an international relationship is that you can say whatever in your language to your partner and he maybe will never know the truth. I don´t do it, but it's fun sometimes don´t telll him the truth the first 5 minutes :D. What is not funny but hard, it´s trying to explain to him the meaning of the word "šak(shak)".
I have used it almost everywhere:,,šak yes, šak no, šak stop it, šak don´t do this ... it´s not clear slova language, but he should know slovak dialect too, cause his girl lives in the part of Slovakia where this dialect is normal :D
He told me story how janitress of their dormitory was angry and asked in english to one spanish girl: "What are you doing ?!" and Juan near of them in slovak: "Nothing!" He knows a few Slovak words and he knows absolutely perfect how and when to use it, I am proud of him.
He knows a few words which I didn´t teach him, the world taught him, like when I wrote him during the day, "Hola, how are you?" And answer was: "Popiči. " It´s really hard word, but nevermind for him :D
This boy learns quickly, he is smart.
Well, he is really inteligent, inventive also, let's say the truth - when you come to new country, the fisrt word which you want learn is not how to say Butterfly...
So this is about me, my international trip & love
Hope you like it
Have a nice day!
Your A. ♥

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