Celkový počet zobrazení stránky

utorok 30. mája 2017

Bye Belgium! & A big problem

Ahojte !

Sľúbila som Vám článok o tom, či a prečo sme skoro nestihli let z Belgicka na SK.

Všetko bolo od rána fajn, Atomium videné, super. Sushi kúpené a zjedené, fajn. Sprcha za mnou, už mi toho veľa netreba. 
Juan pripravil bagety s vajíčkom na cestu, caffe taktiež. 
K učeniu. 
Tak ešte si poupratujem a idem sa učiť....
Idem sa učiť, keby mi nebolo oznámené, že aj napriek tomu, že vlak máme ku večeru, nestíhame. Nestíhame, lebo treba sa dostať od našej tureckej časti Bruselu do jeho centra a odtiaľ sa dostať vlakom ku letisku. 
Cesta vlakom má trvať 40 min.

S ťažkými taškami, kuframi a batohmi (balili sme sa aj do Paríža aj do Belgicka s tým, že môže byť zima, pršať aj byť teplo. Bolo všetko) sme sa dostávali z Tureckej časti ,,alpským" kopcom hore nejaký ten čas, kde som aj začala ľutovať, že nemám kufor, ale riadny náklad na chrbte + ruksak v rukách. Prečo nie. Hlavne, aby sme stihli vlak. 
Prídeme tam, nevieme nájsť miesto, kde sa kupujú lístky. Nájdeme, potrebujeme poradiť pri online kúpe z automatu, poradcovia obsadení. Nestíhame. Prosíme. 
Po 15 minútach dohadovania sa poradcov nám odporúčia vlak, že potom si máme ešte vziať bus. Cena neprípustná, ale iná možnosť neexistuje.
 Prepočítavame, ak vlak 40 min + bus....hmm nestíhame.

Vlak nemal 40 min, mal cez hodinu a pol. Nestíhame. Vystupujeme. Bežíme, aby sme zastavili bus a naskočili doň. Pýtame sa na čas príchodu. Fúú, nestíhame, letisková brána bude zavretá.

Bežíme naspäť, aby sme vzali taxík. Taxikári pochopia aj bez slov, keď nás už vidia skákať cez kvetiny, koše, kvetináče. 
Sme šiesti. Delíme sa  3+3 do auta. 
Cena neprípustná, ale iná možnosť neexistuje.
 Niektorí už pozerajú hotely na predĺženie, ja sa nevzdávam, zajtra zápočet, ktorý som nepísala, lebo som bola v Paríži, takže posledná šanca. 

Sedíme v taxíku, taxikár nám pripomína vybratie peňazí z peňaženiek už teraz, aby sme potom nehľadali. Dobrý nápad. Ale skoro nikto nemá vybraté peniaze z bankomatu. Ponúknem sa. Cena neprípustná, ale iná možnosť neexistuje.

Hľadáme naše dvere. Strácame sa  s kamošmi z druhého taxíka. Sme iba naša trojica. A stojíme v rade na kontrolu. Dlhý rad. Nestíhame. Nevieme sa nájsť. Paráda.
Zrazu vidíme, ako partia z druhého taxíka poprosila SBSkárov, aby nás pustili dopredu, lebo sa nám za pár minút zatvára brána, tak sme všetci pokope. A vpredu. 
Menšie problémy s našou Turkyňou, keďže nie je z EU. Dlhšia prehliadka, papiere... 

Pri mojej kontrole sa kontrolórovi nepáči jedna fľaška. Vravím mu, že tá veľkosť je v poriadku, kontrolovala som si to. Nahnevaným tónom povie, že ho to nezaujíma. Prosím ho, nech to nedáva cez pás ešte raz, inak nestihneme. Silno ma chytí za ruku a odtiahne od ruksaka. 
Juan pekne poprosí, on je viac nahnevaný. Minút máme menej než prstov na jednej ruke. 
Po opätovnej kontrole povie: ,,Ok".
Neviem, či to nie je ešte horšie, než keby bol fakt nejaký problém. 
Ale asi nie. Lebo fakt nestíhame

Spadne mi dóza pod pás, nevadí, nedvíham. 
Všetky veci z ruksaka mám teraz v rukách, bundy, mobily, elektroniku, tekutiny, pomaly sa mi vytrácajú, Juan ma zachraňuje.

 Ale sme tam. Do poslednej minúty sme to stihli.

Stojíme pred lietadlom, Ece mi vraví:,,We tried so much only because of you and Juan. Exams. For me nevermind If I will stay here longer time. But thank you. Maybe  if not you.. ":D

Idem sa učiť, už som v lietadle, nič mi nebráni.
Prisadne si dievčina, o rok staršia, študovala na UVLF ako aj ja.
vyštudovaná farmaceutka.
Išla do Belgicka za priateľom, ktorý je niekde na Erazme a pravidelne sa raz za mesiac stretnú v nejakom štáte.
Zaujímalo ma to. 
Viac ako to učenie....
Možno ráno sa niečo stihnem naučiť.

....a tá sviňa mala zvonec, rozprávky je koniec :)

Vaša A. ♥


Hello ! :)

I promised you in the last post that I will write about story why we almost didn´t get a flight from Belgium to SK.

Everything was Ok since morning. Atomium seen, super. Sushi bought and eaten, fine. I took a shower, perfecto.
Juan prepared baguettes with an egg for a trip, also a coffee.
To studying.
So I need only clean my room and then I will go study..

I wanted study, but somebody told me that we don´t have a time.
 We don´t have a time, cause we have to go from our Turkish part of Brussels to the center and from center to go to the airport by train.
The train journey should has 40 minutes.

With heavy bags, suitcases and backpacks (we packed for to be in Paris and to Belgium with the fact that it can be cold, rain and warmth. It was all) we went from the Turkish part to the center, but it was not normal way. It was like go somewhere on the mountain.

We were there, but we couldn´t find a place for buy the tickets. 
We found it, but we ned help with a machine. 
After 15 minutes they said to us, that the best way it will be take one train and then  take a bus.
 Price was inadmissible, but there was no other option.
 We calculated it... train 40 min + bus .... hmm.. we don´t have a time.

The train didn´t have 40 minutes, it was over one and half . We did it. 
We run to stop the bus. We asked driver of bus for the time of arrival.
Fuu.. we don´t have time,  the airport gate will be closed.

We were running to go back to take a taxi.
 Taxi drivers understood without words when they saw us jumping through flowers, baskets, flower pots.
We were six. We separated for 3 + 3 into the car.
Price is inadmissible, but there is no other option.
 Some of us were already looking for hotels for the next days, but I didn´t give up, tomorrow I have to pass the exam, cause it will be my the last chance (I didn´t write it for the first time, cause in that time I was in Paris).

We sit in a taxi, a taxi driver reminds us to withdraw money from purses now caise later we will not have a time to look for it. Good idea. But almost nobody has withdrawn money from an ATM. I will offer. 
Price is inadmissible, but there is no other option.

We are looking for our way to go into to the airport.
 We couldn´t find our friends from the second taxi. 
We were just three people there. And we stand for a control. Long advice. 
We were standing and then we saw how our friends from the second taxi asked the SBS to let us go to be the first, because the gate will be closed in a few minutes, so we went there. We were the first.
We had also a small problem  with our Turkish friend cause she is not from the EU...

One controlor had a probllem with size of my bottle, but I said to him, that it should be ok, cause I controled it before. But he was so angry. I said that I don´t have time for other control, doesn´t matter ihf he will throw it. But he strongly grabs my hand and pulls away from the rucksack.
Juan kindly said:,, Please, we don´t have time", but he was more angry. 
After re-checking, he says: "Ok".

My box from food fell down, but nevermind, We didn´t have time.
All things from the rucksack I had in my hands -  jackets, mobiles, electronics, liquids..
But Juan helped me a lot

 But we're there.  We got it on the last minute.

We stood before the airplane, Ece told me: "We tried so much only because of you and Juan. Exams. For me nevermind If I will stay here longer time. But thank you. Maybe if  not you .. ": D

 I was in the airplane, I  was preparing to study, but next to me was sitting one girl.
She was one year older, she studied on the same University like me.
A graduate pharmacist.
She went to Belgium to visit her boyfriend cause he is somewhere on Erazme and they promised to each other to meet in different states every month.
It was interesting for me
More than studying..

.... and a pig had a bang, the fairy tale is the end :)

Your A. ♥

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