Celkový počet zobrazení stránky

streda 26. apríla 2017

Flower Market


Kvety! Kvety! Kvety! Prosím si ich na Zemi viac, takisto ako aj lesy, vodu a zvieratá.
Ale tie kvety, to je niečo! Ocko ich doma má chuť všetky vyhodiť  z balkóna, mamka sa o nich v kostole stará ako dobrovoľníčka a sem-tam si prinesie prácu aj domov :D Takže také tie rozpory môjho útleho detstva, či áno- či nie, som teda veruže mala. Ale netrvalo dlho a tak trochu som pochopila, že pre dievčatá to skrátka vždy bude Áno. Neznamená to, že musíme mať izbu plnú kvetov, ale nejaký ten kvietok vždy poteší, či už je je to v detstve od mamky, neskôr aj od priateľa :)
Pre väčšinu chlapov to znamená maximálne nejaký ten kaktus v izbe :D 
Aspoň tak som si to myslela, pokým som nestretla toho môjho, ktorý študuje rastliny , zaujíma sa o ich šľachtenie, pozná asi 100 druhov paliem a u nich v Španielsku na záhrade majú citrónovo - mandľový strom. :D

Pre úplnosť informácie tohto článku, fotky sú fotené v Paríži, kde len čírou náhodou sme natrafili na tento Flower Market a moja flórovská duša opäť zajasala :)

Majte sa pekne a ja už pre Vás pripravujem ďalší článok o Notre - Dame :) 
Stay tuned! :)

Vaša A. ♥ 
Hello everyone ! :)

Flowers! Flowers ! Flowers! Never enought of it on the Earth, the same like forests, water or animals.
But flowers, ach! :) When I was small child, my dad wanted all flowers in our house throw from balcone :D
My mom, she likes flowers, she wanted study flowers and now she helps in the church with making bouquets :D SOmetimes she takes a lot of flowers to our house and dad again wants throw it  :D 
So when I was child. I had problems, If flowers Yes or No, but then I understood. I understood that for girls it will be always Yes. It doesn´t mean that all girls should have room fulls of flowers, but when we were small, we like flowers for birthday from our parents, later maybe from boyfriend :) It s nice and I think that every girls make it happy :)
And for boys- maybe only one cactus in their room :D
I thought it. I thought, but then I met my boyfriend. He studies plants, is interested in breeding plants and he knows maybe 100 types of palm trees :D And he has on his garden in Spain one lemon - almond tree :D 
I thought that a little I knows boys, but they always surprise me :D

For better understanding these photos, it´s taken in one street in Paris and when I saw it, my flora-heart started dancing and I wanted took all of them to my room.
 But I was polite. 
Juan just took photo of me there.

Have a nice day and I am preparing the next post about Notre- Dame for You :)
Stay tuned!

Your A. ♥ 

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