Rok 2016 bol pre mňa rokom sínusoidy. Naposledy som takúto sínusoidu zažila v r.2009, avšak vtedy to bola iba jednofrekvenčná sínusoida, čo o roku 2016 určite neplatí. Tá bola miliónfrekvenčná.
Január 2016. To som bola na intráku, hroznom malom intráku na 2poschodovej posteli. Haha. Makala som ako drak, proste priateľ, škola, blog, tréningy, učenie a tak to trvalo do apríla.
Od apríla do júna to boli ohľadom učenia moje najťažšie mesiace - bakalárka, sedem štátnic, do toho skúšky. Vtedy som si užívala akurát tak prítomnosť jeho a Lucy. Na nič som sa netešila viac ako na večerný telefonát a na celodennú prítomnosť Lucy, zvyšujúcu mi chuť do život popri učení na balkóne a rozmýšľaní o svojej existencii.
Poviem Vám, boli to ťažké mesiace, ale potom prišlo leto.
Povedala som si, že prvýkrát po troch rokoch nepôjdem na letnú brigádu a doprajem si, myslím, zaslúžené voľno. A tak aj bolo. Sínusoida išla hore.
Prázdniny, voľno, s kamoškou sme si naplánovali výlety(Praha, Madrid..), začala som ju zasväcovať to tajností posilňovania.
Tak prišiel september. Mal to byť mesiac zmien. A veru aj bol. Kvôli zmene školy som sa mala 22.9. presťahovať na druhý koniec republiky. No a čo čert nechcel, 2 dni predtým mi moja Lucy odišla. Navždy. Sínusoida klesla hlboko pod nulu. Nižšie sa už nedalo. Vravím si, hm, dobrý začiatok. Teraz sa bav, keď sa niečo také prihodí. Asi nie som normálna, ale stále s tým ne som zmierená. No nejak som to musela rozdýchať, spoznala som nových ľudí, stala sa členkou super organizácie, sínusoida išla hore. S priateľom to nebolo ružové, sínusoida išla dole. Tak sa to striedalo takmer každý deň, hlavu som mala ako balón a bolo to tak vlastne aj do posledného dňa roku 2016.
Ak ho mám v skratke opísať, naozaj to bol rok zmien. Rok zlých, veľmi zlých rozhodnutí, za ktoré sa občas neznášam. Ale bol to aj rok radostí,spoznávania nových ľudí,ktorí sa na pár mesiacov stanú tvojimi najlepšími kamošmi, spoznávania nových miest a príbehov.
Nemôžem napísať, že nič neľutujem. Avšak beriem ponaučenie a kráčam pevnou nohou do roku 2017.
Všetkým nám prajem veľa zdravia a šťastia do nového roku, veľa úsmevných chvíľ, málo omylov, veľa rozvážnych rozhodnutí, veľa lásky, či už partnerskej, kamarátskej či rodinnej.
Tak nazdravie a šťastný Nový Rok
Vám praje
Vaša verná A. :)
Hello everyone !
This year. was for me year of sinusoid. I had this "year of sinusoid" the last time in year 2009, but in 2009 it was was only one-frequency wave, not like this year. This year it was million-frequency wave.
January 2016. I worked hard, I had a boyfriend, I studyed to school so hard, I wrote articles on my blog, I had hard training in fitness centre. So I did this since January to April.
Since April to June - It was for me (of school meanning) the most difficult months - bachelor thesis, seven state exam subjects and so many final eams. I was happy only because of he and Lucy
It was hard period for me, but than summer was coming,
I said my mum that I will not go on summer job for the first time after three years. I think I deserved time off. So it was. Sinusoid growed up.
Holidays - I planned so many trips with my friend Veronika (Prague, Madrid ..). It was the most beautiful part of year for me. I enjoyed my life. It doesn´t need more words :)
September I thought that it will be month of change. It truly was. I changed my Unversity, so this is why I traveled on the other side of Republic at 22.9. But two days before my Lucy left us. Forever. Sinusoid went down, under zero. I said, um, really good start. How i can have fun with my new friends If happened something like this? But i tryed to be happy. I got to know new people, I became a member of super organizations, so wave growed up again. I had so many problems with my boyfriend, so wave went down. So it alternated almost every day, I had a head like a balloon.
If I have it describe in a nutshell, it was year of changes. I hate myself for a lot of things which i did. But it was also a year of joy, getting to know new people( and they become my good friends during a few days/months - for the next year) discovering stories of people and new places. I am so happy for a lot of people which I met, especially for somebody who makes me so happy:)
I can not write that I regret nothing. However, I take the lesson to new year 2017.
I am wishing you luck, love, health,any mistakes( or good mistakes) and happy moments in your life :)
Happy New Year friends!
Your faitful A. :)
January 2016. I worked hard, I had a boyfriend, I studyed to school so hard, I wrote articles on my blog, I had hard training in fitness centre. So I did this since January to April.
Since April to June - It was for me (of school meanning) the most difficult months - bachelor thesis, seven state exam subjects and so many final eams. I was happy only because of he and Lucy
It was hard period for me, but than summer was coming,
I said my mum that I will not go on summer job for the first time after three years. I think I deserved time off. So it was. Sinusoid growed up.
Holidays - I planned so many trips with my friend Veronika (Prague, Madrid ..). It was the most beautiful part of year for me. I enjoyed my life. It doesn´t need more words :)
September I thought that it will be month of change. It truly was. I changed my Unversity, so this is why I traveled on the other side of Republic at 22.9. But two days before my Lucy left us. Forever. Sinusoid went down, under zero. I said, um, really good start. How i can have fun with my new friends If happened something like this? But i tryed to be happy. I got to know new people, I became a member of super organizations, so wave growed up again. I had so many problems with my boyfriend, so wave went down. So it alternated almost every day, I had a head like a balloon.
If I have it describe in a nutshell, it was year of changes. I hate myself for a lot of things which i did. But it was also a year of joy, getting to know new people( and they become my good friends during a few days/months - for the next year) discovering stories of people and new places. I am so happy for a lot of people which I met, especially for somebody who makes me so happy:)
I can not write that I regret nothing. However, I take the lesson to new year 2017.
I am wishing you luck, love, health,any mistakes( or good mistakes) and happy moments in your life :)
Happy New Year friends!
Your faitful A. :)
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