Veľa mojich kamarátov sa chodia každý rok lyžovať do Jasnej a tak som si povedala, že tam skúsim ísť aj ja. Tak som objednala hotel, kúpila lístky na vlak a trip mohol začať 

Bola som tam 3 dni a čo som tie 3 dni robila ?
Kúpila som jeden 40€ skipas, za 10sek ho stratila, nezrobila s ním ani jednu jazdu a kupovala tak druhý. Potom som presdviedčala ľudí, že by sme mali vyskúšať aj tú najťažšiu trasu, v polke svahu som sa zdrbala, visela tam dole hlavou nejaký ten čas, vzdala to a šmýkala sa s ostatnými po riti až do záverečnej.
👌DDDDDajte prosím aj vy 80€ za šmýkanie sa po riti

Aj napriek tomu to bola mega zábava a vážne som si ten čas s dobrou spoločnosťou užila 

Užívajte deň!
Kiss and hugs! 

Vaša cestovateľka A.
Hello everyone!
A lot of my friends go for skiing to Jasná every year and I wanted to try it too. So I ordered a hotel, bought the tickets for train and trip started 

I spent here 3 days and what I did these 3 days?
I bought one skipas for 40€, I lost it after 10 seconds, so I bought the second skipas. After skiing on easy line we went on hard skiing line, but in the middle of ski resorts I fall down, I was lying upside down there a few minutes for waiting for help, cause it was f*cking steep and I hadn´t got skiing sticks. After that I changed my mind and I took this way on my bottom/ass/culo. Perfecto,right? 

Sliding the ass is the best way how to spend 80€ 

But throught that´s all, it was fun and I really enjoy this time. It was amazing 3 days with the best company 

Enjoy your day!
KIss and hugs!

Your traveler A. :)
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