Celkový počet zobrazení stránky

piatok 4. mája 2018

Keep your relationship strong

Do you know what is the most sad on this world? That maybe you read a lot of times somewhere: keep what do you have and be glad that you have it and take care of this, because if you will loose it, just then you will understand what did you loose. And this is my case too. Yes, I am speaking about my boyfriend and I am happy that I can write ,,boyfriend", not ,,exboyfriend". 
The most happiest day in my life was (and I am happy that it happened) it was the day, when i met Juan. He changed my life, my view on life, he bring there adventures and deep conversations, love and love and travel and love. When I had hard days, I just needed see him for 5 min and I had so much better mood.  
And I think is not hard to have relationship at distance. Is hard when just somebody will take care more of yourself than of partner and if will look more of your own feelings than of feelings of partner. So if I can help you or you, I dont know who read my blog, please, try to make smile on face of your partner, always.  Don´t make reason to make jeaouls other person and if you decided to stay with one person, try to stay. And when you sometimes can´t find reason to stay just because 
you are bored, think why did you start date with this person.
 And try to make everything the same how you did it before. Because every every every realionship one day will change, but exist 2 ways. First, that your lovers will change to your bestfriend, love of your life, somebody with who you will need to be in contact every day, somebody who knows everything about you and somebody with who you will have the best memories. 
Or to somebody, with who you will loose contact later. 
But if you will always wait, that everything will be perfect like on the beginning,
 you have to change your girl/boy every 1-2 years.

 I wish for everybody (and for myself  too) to make your and my partner more happier. 
Please, look at him/her more than you look at yourself. 
In hard time will be support for him / her. 
We are so much egocentric, we try to do everything the best for us, but this is not love.
So my advice for you is, try to be again so shy and cute person how you were on beggineng of every your relationship. Don´t be egocentric, speak with your parnter and listen him. 
This is how relationships grow.

And if you have problems in your relationship, try to speak, change yourself and start again. Forget bad things, make new step with your partner, one new line, start from 0 
and do it how you did it when you started date. 

A. ♥

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