Celkový počet zobrazení stránky

sobota 17. marca 2018

Snowy wooden house


Kvôli globálnemu otepľovaniu už deti na Slovensku, ktoré sa narodili od roku 2000, nepoznajú až tak takú tú zimu ako si ju pamätajú deti 20.storočia, kedy sme sa strácali v závejoch, plávali v snehu, robili si zo snehu iglu, keď sme sa išli vonku hrať a veci prezliekali na 2-3 krát. Pred dverami sa museli metlou očistiť od snehu a veci sa sušili na radiátore celý deň. Keď sme si dovolili skákať z 2.poschodia do snehu, lebo sme vedeli, že sa nám nič nestane. Keď sme strmú cestu polievali vedrami vody a potom sa na nej šmýkali. To boli javy, ktoré sa dnes už nevidia, ale presne takéto dediny v horách ta dokážu dostať do obdobia Mrázika a Nastenky.

Keďže bol so mnou aj Juan, moji rodičia mu chceli sprostredkovať ozajstný zážitok, tak po ceste z Poľska naspäť na SK môj oco zastavil auto uprostred dediny, zavolali sme známym, ktorí s nami boli na výlete, že nech idú dopredu a že sa stretneme už priamo v reštaurácii, lebo to, čo sme videli, bolo ako z rozprávky !

A. ♥


Hi everyone !

Because of global warming, children which born o Slovakia in 21.century don´t know what is a true winter. This winter is not like before. We lost in the hooks, swimming in the snow, we making the igloo form the snow, when we were playing with the snow, we went change the clothes 2-3 times. 
We needed use the whisk to clean snow from our clothes front of snow
and it dried on the radiator all day. 
We allowed to jump from the 2nd floor to the snow because we knew nothing would happen to us. 
When we poured the cold water on the road to make stronger ice and we were slidding on it.
These were phenomena that can not be seen today, 
but exactly such villages in the mountains are able to give you this feeling.

Juan was with me, so my parents wanted make this trip from Poland to Slovakia more speacial, 7so my dad stopped the car in the middle of the village, 
we called our friends who were with us for a trip, that they should continue 
with driving and that we will meet in the restaurant, because 
what we saw was like in a fairy tale!

A. ♥


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